Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Comics: Holy me likes: “C2E2 Exclusive TAW: IKS #9 cover preview.”

The next issue of The Amory Wars: IKSSE3 (issue 8) comes out on February 9th and I wait anxiously. What’s more exciting is that this baby has just been released. The exclusive c2e2 variant of issue 9, illustrated by Sam Wolfe Connelly. I absolutely live for these con exclusive variants and makes the experience of going to those events all the more grand. 
Also looking forward to see what Aaron Kruder can bring to the table of TAW. He will be replacing Chris Burnham as the series’ artist while Chris moves on to Batman Inc. An awesome gig if I do say so myself. Aaron’s work is quite amazing and we all welcome him with open arms. 
c2e2 is surely to be a great event. I’m working on a couple of things for Evil Ink Comics to showcase at the convention, as well as another treat of cosplay (mayhaps).

I can’t wait to go and see my favorite people surrounded by my favorite comics and comicbook lovers alike.
Btw, I’m fully prepared for the onslaught of friends asking me to pick up an issue for them. :)

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